Down refinement

The Joutsen downs are the finest in the world. The raw materials are sourced from carefully selected European partner farms, where the down of the waterfowl grows in natural conditions. Down is created by nature and purified by us. Its unique purity is a result of our very own Joutsen Down System process.

This unique system brings together the best raw materials, new technology, and craftsmanship that has been accumulated over decades. The down and feathers are washed in soft water filtered by gravel ridges that were formed during the Ice Age – water exclusively available in Finland. The manufacturing process is free of any added allergens. To ensure that each and every Joutsen product is completely pure and free of dust, the Joutsen Down System process includes two dust removals as well as washing and a finishing treatment at 125 °C. Finally the down and feathers are sorted in our own refineries.